Thank you for visiting our website. We are grateful to know that you have been able to find us after "The Great De-Platforming." We are still here, albeit significantly quieter. You will still find the documents available here that may help you to defend yourself against unlawful mandates, coercion to participate in untested medical practices, and the documentation that would be helpful to you if you saught to persue recovery of damages resulting from those things. If you have any questions or new product suggestions please feel free to get in touch using the contact info below.
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Religious or Moral and Medical Exemption Cards
(Does not come with a plastic badge holder.. those are sold separately)
Employers requiring inoculation for employees returning to the office have the important task of abiding by an interactive process when handling the imminent accommodation requests by employees who cannot receive it. Currently, there are two legally recognized exceptions from mandates for employees: disability-related reasons and sincerely held religious beliefs.
Sincerely held religious belief is a belief that can be either theistic, or a moral and/or ethical belief as to what is right and wrong, but both are acceptable if they are sincerely held.
Pursuant to United States Senate Bill #942, exemption due to strongly-held beliefs or religious reasons or for medical reasons is legitimate and recognized. One side of this card can be filled out for personal belief exemption and the other side can be filled out to show a medical exemption.
This 4x3 inch card shows the bill as well as supporting constitutional amendments for simple presentation.
Be sure to fill it in and have it notarized, and if you'd like to protect it from damage or look even more official you can order it with its own plastic badge protector.
NOTE: If you received a card with a misprint/typo on it and have not received a corrected replacement please let us know using the contact info below and we will get your replacement right out to you. We deeply apologize for the misprint. Thank you for you patience and understanding.
Contact: or
No statement on our website is intended as legal advice. Please seek legal advice from an attorney. These documents are for educational purposes only as a tool to help you document discrimination for your personal evidence records.